(Washington D.C.) – Right On Crime sent a letter of support to U.S. lawmakers applauding the proposed policies of H.R. 7223, the TWIC Efficiency Act, also known as the TWICE Act. 

This bipartisan bill, led by Congressmen Clay Higgins and Troy Carter, will improve access to the Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) program by helping incarcerated individuals apply for TWIC cards in advance of leaving federal, state, or local prisons. This expedited application and appeals process will help place eligible employees in jobs, which in turn, improves workforce efforts and assists with successful reentry.

“The criminal justice system must protect public safety. And with 95% of all incarcerated individuals eventually released back into our communities, the system also has a responsibility to ensure they successfully reenter society and lead a life free of crime,” said Brett Tolman, former U.S. Attorney and Executive Director of Right On Crime.

“There is plenty of data that shows gainful employment is strongly connected to lower recidivism and public safety,” said Rachel Wright, National Policy Director for Right On Crime. “The TWICE Act is a common-sense policy idea that allows those who have served their time a real opportunity to obtain a life-sustaining career.”

The language of the TWICE Act is narrow and does not expand the list of eligible offenses for the TWIC program. H.R. 7223 focuses on the premise that applying for a TWIC card and beginning the appeal and waiver process prior to a person’s release from prison may increase the chances of employment and decrease the chances of recidivism after release.

Right On Crime is a national criminal justice campaign offering conservative and data-driven solutions for reducing crime, restoring victims, reforming offenders, and lowering taxpayer costs.