The following statement was released by Governor Phil Bryant regarding Mississippi’s package of criminal justice reforms.

JACKSON—House Bill 585, Mississippi’s package of criminal justice reform measures, has passed the Mississippi House and Mississippi Senate and should soon come to Gov. Phil Bryant for review. The reforms were developed over several months as the result of a bipartisan task force effort that included consultation with the Public Safety Performance Project of The Pew Charitable Trusts.

“We pledged to Mississippians that we would make this the ‘public safety session’, and we have worked hard to develop a research-based plan that is tough on crime while using tax dollars wisely where they make the most impact,” Gov. Phil Bryant said. “This bill ensures that violent criminals are held accountable for their crimes, and it provides a second chance to veterans and other Mississippians who have made mistakes want to take steps to get their lives back on track.

“I appreciate the hard work of Rep. Andy Gibson, Sen. Brice Wiggins, the leadership in the House and Senate, the members of the criminal justice task force and the PEW Charitable Trusts in researching this issue and helping move these reforms through the legislative process. I look forward to receiving the bill and reviewing it closely.”
