Right On Crime, Louisiana Family Forum, Lighthouse Christian Fellowship Church, State Representative Rick Edmonds, Pelican Institute, Smart on Crime, and other community leaders and victims of crime will hold a Day of Prayer Service to commemorate National Crime Victims’ Rights Week in Baton Rouge this month.
Louisiana State Representative Rick Edmonds will be introducing a resolution in the State House to commemorate a National Day of Prayer on April 27 for National Crime Victims’ Rights Week April 25-30, 2022.
Pastor Michael Wicker, Tara Wicker, crime victims, and community & victims’ groups will be available at the event as a resource to attendees, pastors, and community leaders. Right On Crime and Louisiana Family Forum are working together to present this event.
- Being a victim of crime and navigating the criminal justice system can be a frightening and confusing experience.
- In 2020, 6,300 violent-crime incidents were reported by law enforcement in Louisiana. (Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Crime Data Explorer)
- In 2020, 32,810 property-crime incidents were reported by law enforcement in Louisiana. (Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Crime Data Explorer)
“Establishing a day of prayer acknowledges Louisiana’s faith community and the power of prayer that is critical to providing support for victims of crime,” said Scott Peyton, Right On Crime Louisiana Director and former probation officer. “This Day of Prayer Service is something we hope other communities and faith leaders will observe in honor of the victims of crime in their own communities. At the same time, it’s imperative we continue to provide and expand the resources for all crime victims.”
The 2022 NCVRW underscores the importance of helping crime survivors find their justice by—enforcing victims’ rights and expanding access to services.