The United States incarcerates more people than any other nation, and for decades, Louisiana was known as the Prison Capital of the World- warehousing more prisoners per capita than any other state and many nations. Falling second this year to Mississippi, Louisiana is credited with implementing groundbreaking criminal justice innovations.
Episode three of The Right On Crime Podcast features The Correctional Leadership Network with dynamic insights from Louisiana Corrections Secretary Jimmy LeBlanc whose decades-long career focuses on “building better lives not bigger prisons.” ROC Director Scott Peyton sits down with Secretary LeBlanc to discuss his innovative leadership, achievements, and the implementation of historic criminal justice reforms making a difference in Louisiana.
The Louisiana Justice Reinvestment Package, passed by the state legislature, works to reduce prison populations and invest in programs and policies proven to reduce recidivism.
“Our missions and goals in the reform efforts are moving in the right direction. Earned compliance credits are making a difference. The reinvestment side and dropping barriers to reentry are two things that work together,” said Secretary LeBlanc. “We’ve reinvested close to 115 million dollars in four major areas of DOC efforts of probation and parole, education and vocational efforts, grants with our community partners, and reinvestments to crime victims.”
“Secretary LeBlanc and Louisiana DOC are digging deeper to change people’s lives inside the prisons and throughout the communities where those exiting prison are ultimately released. The Louisiana Reinvestment efforts of 2017 are moving the needle and improving public safety with resources to prevent crime, reduce recidivism, restoring victims, and helping families and communities,” said Peyton. “To keep moving forward, we must control who’s coming in the front door and invest in resources that change the way they come out the back door.”
Louisiana’s Crime Victims Services Bureau provides support and information to victims and their families. Applications for the Louisiana Crime Victims Reparation Fund are available from all Louisiana’s sheriff’s offices or by calling 1-888-6-VICTIM.
The Right On Crime Podcast features conservative conversations, policy, and best practices on criminal justice innovation in America.
The Correctional Leadership Network is a dynamic group of corrections professionals and thought leaders sharing best practices and expertise in criminal justice policy.
Through policy discussions, advocacy, podcasts, and events across the nation with state correctional leaders, Right On Crime’s Correctional Leadership Network will ensure that correctional expertise is properly weighed in the national debate around criminal justice policy with the ultimate goal to support public safety.