
Christian Cochran

Florida State Director for Right On Crime

Cochran's policy and legislation experience came through a unique path, first serving as a Deputy Sheriff in the Florida panhandle and a Reservist in the United States Army Reserve. Cochran had his initial experience with legislation and policy as a two-year fellowship Wounded Warrior Fellow through the United States House of Representatives. This allowed him to spend time helping active-duty military and veterans. He then served as the Deputy Legislative Affairs Director for the Florida Department of Veterans Affairs. Before coming to Right on Crime, Cochran was Government Relations Manager for the Florida Court Clerks and Comptrollers. Outside of his role, Cochran continues to serve as a Reserve Deputy Sheriff in Florida.

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Right On Crime brings together conservatives, policymakers, and experts who share a common goal: to reform and strengthen our criminal justice system in a way that aligns with conservative principles and values.

Florida, like many states, faces unique challenges within its criminal justice system. However, we firmly believe that conservative principles offer practical and sustainable answers to address these challenges head-on. By embracing policies that prioritize accountability, personal responsibility, and rehabilitation, we can create a justice system that not only protects our communities but also gives individuals the opportunity to turn their lives around and contribute positively to society.

We provide a balanced and data-driven approach, showcasing proven strategies that reduce crime rates, save taxpayer dollars, and restore trust in the justice system. At Right On Crime, we firmly believe that conservative solutions for criminal justice can unite communities, restore families, and empower individuals to reach their full potential. By leveraging the power of innovation, collaboration, and evidence-based practices, we are dedicated to driving meaningful change in Florida’s criminal justice system.



ROC Florida Director Christian Cochran sits down with Britt Allen to discuss his background in law enforcement, the state of Florida’s criminal justice system, and the importance of civic engagement.
Labor shortage? Supply chain chaos? Businesses around the nation face workforce shortages and often fail to retain the people they hire. Across the nation, there are more job openings than people applying. Meanwhile, millions of formerly incarcerated Americans who have served their time are struggling to find stable employment upon reentry to their communities. This takes a toll on Florida families and our economy. This Right On Crime Employer Forum in Tallahassee, FL, brought together Florida businesses and thought-leaders working to reduce recidivism, lower taxpayer costs, and make communities safer through second-chance hiring.